problem querying WMI in a background thread

Fazan dr_burrito at
Mon Nov 1 13:48:01 EST 2004

I'm using Tim Golden's WMI implementation
( version 0.6 along with
pywin32 build 202.  I'm able to successfully query WMI in the main
thread but not in a separate thread.

Here's a little snippet of sample code that fails for me:
import thread, threading, wmi

def wmiTest(c, callee):
    print "callee: " + callee
    processList = c.Win32_Process()
    print "num processes: %d" % len(processList)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = wmi.WMI()
    # invoke WMI in the main thread
    wmiTest(c, "main thread")

    # invoke WMI in a separate thread
    thread.start_new_thread(wmiTest, (c, "new thread", ))

And here's the output:
callee: main thread
num processes: 57
callee: new thread
Unhandled exception in thread started by <function wmiTest at
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in wmiTest
    processList = c.Win32_Process()
  File "C:\svn\project\tool\wmi\0.6\", line 404, in __call__
    return self.wmi.query (wql)
  File "C:\svn\project\tool\wmi\0.6\", line 583, in query
    raise WMI_EXCEPTIONS.get (hresult, x_wmi (hresult))
wmi.x_wmi: -2147352567

Notice that calling wmiTest() from the main thread works and the list
of Win32_Process objects is returned.  Calling it using
thread.start_new_thread() causes an exception to be thrown.  I've also
tried instantiating the WMI object inside wmiTest() instead of passing
it in as a parameter; this also fails but with a different exception.

Has anyone seen this type of problem before?  TIA

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