The use of :

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at
Tue Nov 30 05:51:27 EST 2004

BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
> Because it contains more non-significant symbols (, ), { and } that
> "steal" the programmers attention. But consider
> def f(x, y, z)
>     print x, y, z
> to
> def f(x, y, z):
>     print x, y, z
> IMHO, the colon-less variant is more readable than the one with the colon.  

Except that it is quite acceptable to do the following:

   def f(x, y, z,
     long_func_arg_name(x, y, z)

   def f(x, y, z,
     long_func_arg_name(x, y, z)

The colons do a decent job of flagging the beginning of suites, mainly because 
of Python general lack of *other* punctuation (e.g. the colon would be entirely 
ineffective at improving readability if every line ended with a semi-colon).


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