modifying static (local) method variables

t scytale scytale at
Fri Nov 12 11:37:35 EST 2004

i am using a mutable default paramater to simulate a static method variable.
i notice that 
- assigning to the var inside the method causes it to return to the
default value at each call.
- appending to the var gives the expected behaviour (the value is
preserved to the next call

why is this?

def GetCachedVal(val=[]):
  print 'start val:', val
  if val:
    return val
  print  'initializing'
  val = TimeConsumingSetup()           # assignment
  return val

>> GetCachedVal()
start val: []
>> print val
[<eDatabase instance at 0x87>, <eHandle instance at 0x8755e>]
start val: []
>>print val
[<eDatabase instance at 0x87>, <eHandle instance at 0x8755e>]

def GetCachedVal(val=[]):
  print 'start val:', val
  if val:
    return val
  print  'initializing'
  val += TimeConsumingSetup()           # append
  return val

>> GetCachedVal()
start val: []
>> print val
[<eDatabase instance at 0x87>, <eHandle instance at 0x8755e>]
start val: [<eDatabase instance at 0x87>, <eHandle instance at 0x8755e>]
>>print val
[<eDatabase instance at 0x87>, <eHandle instance at 0x8755e>]


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