Backporting Python 2.4 modules

David Fraser davidf at
Sat Nov 20 08:29:40 EST 2004

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Wouldn't it be cool if someone took all the enhanced and new modules in 
> Python 2.3 and 2.4, and backported them to Python 2.2?  Maybe all into a 
> single distutil-installable package called, say, python24?  Then you 
> could do:
> from python24 import logging
> Lots of the modules have been backported (logging and optparse, for 
> instance), but there's no central place to find them.  And some modules 
> work fine in older versions, but you wouldn't know.
> Since most of the enhancements since Python 2.2 have been in the 
> standard library, this would be really helpful.  Especially for those of 
> us who want to support older versions of Python, but also want to take 
> advantage of newer libraries.
> Anyway, hopefully someone things this is a good idea as well and maybe 
> tried to do it?  Maybe?  Please?
I don't know if anyone has done this but I do think it's a great idea.
I don't think the "from python24 " is neccessary, there could just be a 
source code repository of back ports...
I suspect for a lot of modules if the core functionality is rewritten in 
Python it'll be easier to backport - I wonder if PyPy will have any 
effect in this direction ...


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