Python GTK import error

Qianqian Fang Qianqian.Fang at Dartmouth.Edu
Tue Nov 23 17:08:03 EST 2004


I installed Fedora Core 2 in my desktop and it has been running
flawlessly in the last few months until I upgraded some packages
(gtk/gtk-devel/python) to the latest version via apt-get. Now, when I
execute any system configuration gui program, i.e.
/usr/bin/system-config-*, it raises an error message as follows:

File "/usr/src/build/375621-i386/install/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/",
line 43, in ?
ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:

(the top line may vary, but the last line is the same for all of them)
and the script exits after the error.

I don't know if anybody met this before, and how can I fix it? 
thank you very much!


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