Python needs a CPyAN

John Roth newsgroups at
Tue Nov 2 21:36:17 EST 2004

"John Hazen" <python-list at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.5838.1099425921.5135.python-list at
> [Stephen Ferg]
> [ ... wants a CPyAN ...]
> [John Roth]
>> How does the Python Package Index not meet this need?
>> I can think of one very serious difference, which has
>> kept me from placing a module in the PPI.
> Ummm...  Care to let us in on it?  While your subtle hint may make sense
> to those who have submitted packages for inclusion, I suspect I speak
> for the many more of us who haven't.  What's your objection?

1. Where do I store the module? I don't have a web site, and
it isn't on sourceforge.

2. For what I've done, the standard installer script required
for PPI is stoopid. All that's really needed to install is unpack
to the right directory. That's it. However, to use distutils I
had to write a packager program to create all the entries
I needed. This took me quite a few hours and left a very
sour taste since a lot of things that I thought should have
been automatic weren't.

That's why the Python port of FIT isn't on PPI. And
it won't be on PPI until I get around to moving it to
Sourceforge, which will happen sometime in the very
misty future.

> -John Hazen 

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