[wx] Simple image editor

Michele Petrazzo michele.petrazzo at TOGLIunipex.it
Tue Nov 2 03:36:19 EST 2004

Jeremy Bowers wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:28:35 +0200, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
>>Please don't tell me to read the GIMP's source :).
> Why read GIMP's source when you can use it?
Because I want to understand how it work, not how the user use the tools.

> Can you shell out your manipulations, and then just take a changed version
> of the image back in?
> Of course, any image editor will work then, too.
> Maybe not, I don't know your needs. But it is worth thinking about. Image
> editors are in the class of applications that you should go to great
> lengths to avoid rewriting. To get anything beyond the Paint that shipped
> with Windows 3.1 is a major effort, plus unless you really, really know
> your users don't want anything but primitive text overlays, you're asking
> for an infinite amount of feature requests to add things that other image
> editors already have. 

I want to add a simple image editor into my application, that not is an 
image editor,but a fax client, so the features of place text/lines are 
the only that I need.

> Plus, the naive implementations of things like
> "undo" eat memory for lunch.
The "undo" work yet correctly.I have three list with:
1) all the points of the lines, ...
2) text, font, color, position, dimensions, ...
3) "l" or "t", that mean line or text.
Every time that I place a line, I append into list 1 all the values and 
into list 3 a "l". for the text is the same.
When I press undo button, I pop a value from list 3, and pop a value 
from correspondent list. After this I rewrite all the bitmaps.

It work, but if I have a lot of "objects", I must attempt that it redraw 

Michele Petrazzo

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