map, LC, genexp

Robert Kern rkern at
Sat Nov 13 23:19:33 EST 2004

Bryan wrote:
> i thought that LC and genexp were supposed to be faster than map.  i 
> also thought i read somewhere in this group that the slowest looping 
> mechanism in 2.4 is 20% faster than the fastest looping mechanism in 
> 2.3.  if i'm wrong about this, remembered wrong or did something wrong, 
> please let me know.  here are some timeit tests i did on my machine.  
> notice that map is faster in both python versions and that LC24/LC23 is 
> only a 5.5% speed improvement.
> python 2.3
> timeit "for i in map(str, xrange(100)): pass"
> 10000 loops, best of 3: 118 usec per loop

map still beats list comprehensions and generator expressions when the 
function is builtin. Try again with a Python function that gets 
"inlined" in the LC and genexp:


def neg(x):
     return -x

map(neg, xrange(100))
[-x for x in xrange(100)]
(-x for x in xrange(100))

I believe (though I haven't tested this specific example) that is the 
case for which they are faster than map.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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