pep 336: Make None Callable

Mike Meyer mwm at
Thu Nov 4 23:00:15 EST 2004

The Eternal Squire <eternalsquire at> writes:
>> It would be more sensible to promote the addition to builtins of a
>> predefined null function -- one somewhat equivalent to 0, [], and {}.
> I'd like to see it standardized, and I'd like to see it intuitively
> obvious.  That's why None appears to me to be such an obvious
> candidate.

How about nop?

The real problem with allowing None to act as a function is that it
turns exceptions into very obscure bugs. Actually, this argument
applies to allowing one to do anything with None.

So I'm against it, even in Python-3000.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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