teaching OO

Ville Vainio ville at spammers.com
Wed Nov 24 13:12:50 EST 2004

>>>>> "Gabriel" == Gabriel Zachmann <zach at cs.uni-bonn.de> writes:

    Gabriel> My question now is: do you think I should switch over to
    Gabriel> Python completely (next time), and dump all the
    Gabriel> interesting issues involved in C++'s virtual classes,
    Gabriel> overloading, and templates? (In Python, all of that would
    Gabriel> just disappear ... ;-) )

I don't think virtual classes (as in inheriting from base classes
"virtually" to avoid a certain multiple inheritance problems) is all
that important in this single inheritance favouring world.

The concept of overloading is easy, you can go one step further by
introducing generic functions / multimethods through one of the
modules floating around the net.

Ville Vainio   http://tinyurl.com/2prnb

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