tkinter shell problem

Philippe C. Martin philippecmartin at
Wed Nov 24 12:57:38 EST 2004


I have the following problem:

I wrote a tkinter shell which on a key return event first evals the input 
buffer (in a try: except:) and then, in case of except, execs the input 

I have the problem if the exec fails:

If I trap it, I do not get the stack dump that I which I would show.


% import dontexist 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    import dontexist
ImportError: No module named dontexist

If I don"t trap it, then my clean up code which is after the exec obviously 
does not get called (i.e, clear my input buffer, save the history, print a 
prompt .......)

Yet Idle manages - any clue ?



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