Restricted Execution on the cheap

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Tue Nov 30 07:17:06 EST 2004

David Pokorny wrote:

> Suppose that one wants to set up a machine to accept python code from,
> say, arbitrary email, and run it safely. Would the following
> (somewhat draconian) precautions be sufficient?
> [assume the Python code is in]
> grep exec ==> nothing
> grep eval ==> nothing
> etc... for 'import', 'builtin', 'globals','reload'
> 'compile', 'file', 'open', 'input', 'locals', 'vars'

Assuming you think *very* hard about everything that someone might try. 

Your list above certainly isn't enough though. I'm pretty sure you also 
need to block getattr otherwise:

>>> def f(): pass
>>> getattr(getattr(f, 
<built-in function compile>

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