XUL Parser?

Ola Natvig ola.natvig at infosense.no
Thu Nov 25 04:40:51 EST 2004

Andrew James wrote:
> Alex,
> This is a very cool idea. I've been working with XUL for a little while
> now and I'd like to be able to work with it in Python.... all steam
> ahead!
> Andrew
> On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 16:31 +0000, Alex Stapleton wrote:
>>Is there a Python XUL parser which will create GUIs in a Mozilla like 
>>fashion for me? I've had a poke around but the closest I could find was 
>>Luxor, and thats Jython bound (which isn't feasible.)
>>If not is anyone interested in helping design and implment one? I'm 
>>rather keen on seeing a python XUL module which supports multiple widget 
>>systems (wxPython, Qt , GTK+ etc)

wxPython has a XUL like system (not as sleek at XUL but quite usable) 
it's called XRC and allows you to specify your own witgets to. Take a 
look in the wxPython demo. It should be possible to implement a XSLT 
engine to transform Mozilla style XUL to a customized wxPython XRC 
dialect, I don't think performance mush of a brag...

  Ola Natvig <ola.natvig at infosense.no>
  infoSense AS / development

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