The use of :

BJörn Lindqvist bjourne at
Sun Nov 28 16:10:31 EST 2004

In the faq,,
it is stated that the colon is there "primarily to enhance readability
(one of the results of the experimental ABC language)."  But can that
statement really be backed up? Has someone made a study or something?
I always thought the rule was "the less useless symbols, the higher
the readability." I.e:

if (a == b)
    print a

is less readable than:

if a == b:
    print a

Because it contains more non-significant symbols (, ), { and } that
"steal" the programmers attention. But consider

def f(x, y, z)
    print x, y, z


def f(x, y, z):
    print x, y, z

IMHO, the colon-less variant is more readable than the one with the colon.  
mvh Björn

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