Python CGI - Accepting Input, Invoking Another Process, Ending CGI

Diez B. Roggisch deetsNOSPAM at
Wed Nov 3 12:15:33 EST 2004

> Based on previous suggestions from this group, I'm attempting to write
> a python CGI that takes input from an HTML form, invokes a second
> python script using this input, tells the user that their process has
> started, ends the cgi output and later emails the results of the
> invoked script.
> My problem is that no mater how I invoke the 2nd script (spawnlp with
> P_NOWAIT, system with &, etc..) the CGI caller continues to run until
> it finishes.  If you press the stop button or close the browser
> certain portions of the 2nd script finish but not all of it.  In
> paticular the 2nd script uses teTex (invoked by os.system) to process
> some tex files, this always errors out if the browser is closed or
> stopped.

Did you try to daemonize your script? That will decouple it from the running
process, so maybe that helps. In the  aspn cookbook there is a good recipe
for daemonizing.


Diez B. Roggisch

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