JMS for CPython via JPype?

Steve Menard foo at
Fri Nov 5 07:54:22 EST 2004

Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> Hello,
> and thanks for your reply.
>>>would JPype make it possible 
>>>for a CPython program to use JMS? 
>>I am not very well versed in JMS, but unless it absolutely REQUIRE 
>>subclassing, JPype will allow you to make full use for it without problem.
>>How to actually interpret the contents of the JMS message is left as an 
>>exercise to the reader ;)
> Err, does JPype not provide something for interfacing with Java like CTypes
> provides it for interfacing with C? I.e. working with Java/C types in
> Python as if they were Python variables?
> TIA,
> Regards
> Wolfgang Keller

Indeed it does. For the most part, Java classes can be used just like 
regular Python classes.

What I meant is that JMS messages can contain just about ANYTHING. 
Serialized Java classes, XML, plain text, etc ... Of course, if a 
regular Java program cna generate/interptet the contents, A python+Jpype 
program will be able to do it too. Again, with the same caveat that 
JPype does not (yet) support subclassing Java classes in python.

Steve Menard

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