Specify start and length, beside start and end, in slices

Noam Raphael noamr at correctme.users.sourcephorge.net
Sat May 22 15:34:15 EDT 2004


Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Noam Raphael" <noamr at correctme.users.sourcephorge.net> wrote in message
> news:c8l3s3$27o$1 at news.iucc.ac.il...
>>Many times I find myself asking for a slice of a specific length, and
>>writing something like l[12345:12345+10].
>>This happens both in interactive use and when writing Python programs,
>>where I have to write an expression twice (or use a temporary variable).
> With an expression, I'd go for the temp var.
>>Wouldn't it be nice if the Python grammar had supported this frequent
> I take this as 'directly support' versus the current indirect support via
> start+len.
> My answer: superficially (in isolation) yes, but overall, in the context of
> Python's somewhat minimalistic grammar/syntax, no.  Two ways to slice might
> easily be seen as one too many.

I agree that Python should be kept easy to read and understand. However, 
it doesn't mean that there's only one way to do everything. An example 
(it's even from slices): the Numeric people asked for the "..." token 
and got it, even though you can live without it - it simply makes your 
life easier.

> In addition, the rationale for this, your
> favorite little addition, would admit perhaps 50 others like it.
>>My idea is that the expression above might be expressed as l[12345:>10].
> Sorry, this strike me as ugly, too much like and easily confused with
> l[12345:-10], and too much looking like a syntax error.
Well, of course, it *is* a syntax error right now. As for what it looks 
like - I can't argue with what it looks like to you, but since '>' is 
generally perceived as having something to do with "go in the right 
direction", I think that l[12345:>10] can easily be read as "start from 
12345, and take 10 steps to the right. Take all the items you passed over."
> Given that some other languages slice with (start,len) arguments (but not
> then, that I remember or know of, also with a start,stop option), I am
> *sure* that Guido thought carefully about the issue.  A plus with his
> choice is ability to offset (index) from the end *without* calling the len
> function.
I think that the fact that other languages use (start, len) quite 
contradicts your assumption that only 50 other people would like it. I 
don't see what brings you to think that you represent 99.99 percent of 
Python users.
I like Python's slicing very much, and I agree that given only one 
slicing method, (start, end) should be chosen, but what's wrong with 
adding another?
>>This change, as far as I can see, is quite small: it affects only the
>>grammar and byte-compiling, and has no side effects.
> Except the cognitive dissonance of two *almost* identical syntaxes and the
> flood of other 'small', 'no side effect' change requests.
Why not judge each 'small, no side effect' change request for its own 
sake? Do you think that Python should only undergo big and complex changes?
>>Well, what do you think? I would like to hear your comments.
> Your wish ...
Yes, I do like to hear other opinions. Perhaps *you* could have been a 
bit more open to hear them...
> Terry J. Reedy
Noam Raphael

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