PEP: import version

David Fraser davidf at
Wed May 19 11:48:36 EDT 2004

Christophe Cavalaria wrote:
> David Fraser wrote:
>>Have you actually used it extensively? If so, I doubt you would be
>>saying this...
>>wxWiindows (now wxWidgets) doesn't have  aconstantly mutating API.
>>But the new major revision does have some changes. The point is you can
>>still get programs to work with both versions, so you don't need to have
>>a new name.
> Sorry but breaking existing code with some change and calling that a minor
> version upgrade not worth a new name qualifies for my definition of a
> constantly mutating API ;)
Then thats your problem but don't complain about it if you don't 
actually use it... if you did you'd realise the changes are more minor 
than you make out. This is 2.4 to 2.5, not 2.4.1 to 2.4.2, so the API is 
allowed to change.
>>But if a program does rely on a particular version, it would 
>>be nice to have a way to specify it.
> Yes, and why couldn't you do it like that :
> import wxPython24 as wxPython
Because as I said above some programs can work with either version, some 
require a particular one ... and you don't want the user to change the 
source code.
Anyway if its not important to you then thats fine but there are 
situations in which version selection is important...


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