optparse docs?

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Tue May 25 18:44:21 EDT 2004

The library docs are all I know of.

On the optik-users list, Greg Ward recently posted links to updates to
Optik/optparse's docs:

I would appreciate some careful proof-reading from those of you who use
Optik every day, as well as from anyone who's new to it.  Please sharpen
your red pencils and pore over:


I spent the most time revising the tutorial (aka "Basic Usage") after
receiving a well-thought-out critique by private email a few months
back.  If you have any sort of pedagogical skills, please turn your
attention to basic.html and see what else could be improved there.

If the updated docs aren't enough, perhaps a doc bug report and/or
a message to Greg?

-- David Goodger

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