ANN: Pyro 3.4 (remote objects IPC/RPC)

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Fri May 28 20:38:37 EDT 2004

After 9 months since the previous stable release, it's finally
time to announce the final release of the next Pyro version: 3.4 !

You can get Pyro 3.4 via, then go
to the SF project homepage download area.

Pyro 3.4 is mainly a "polished and tweaked" version. Not many
new features are added, but many things have been improved.
Users of older Pyro versions are recommended to upgrade.

Most important changes:

* fixed the SSL example
* PYROLOCSSL protocol
* no longer required to call initClient() / initServer() in most cases
* the Win NT services (nssvc and essvc) can be given command line parameters
* documentation improvements
* various new examples (user_passwd_auth, filetransfer, rserve)
* various other fixes and improvements.

For the full list, see the 'changes' chapter in the Pyro manual.

Have fun!

--Irmen de Jong

---> What is Pyro?
Pyro is an acronym for PYthon Remote Objects. Pyro is an advanced and
powerful Distributed Object Technology RPC/IPC system, written entirely
in Python, and designed to be very easy to use.

It is extremely easy to implement a distributed system with Pyro, because all
network communication code is abstracted and hidden from your application.
You just get a remote Python object and invoke methods on the object on
the other machine.

Pyro offers you a Name Server, an Event Service, mobile objects, remote
exceptions, dynamic proxies, remote attribute access, automatic reconnection,
SSL support, a very good and detailed manual, and many examples to get
you started right away.

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