xchat plugin - stuck

Autarkis autarkis at bad-data.net
Sun May 23 13:03:26 EDT 2004

Hi all

I don't have a lot of experience in programming. I use python as a replacement for mIRC scripting in xchat.

I made a module that looked like this.

__module_name__ = "helloxchat"
__module_version__ = "0.3"
__module_description__ = "Python module test"

import xchat

def passwordtest(word, word_eol, userdata):

    return xchat.EAT_NONE

xchat.hook_server("PRIVMSG", passwordtest)

That's it.

Loaded fine in Python and did an Echo, fine. That's what I wanted.

But now it's stuck! I unloaded the programm, the python.so module, restarted xchat, reinstalled xchat and all, but the echo is still here. (The program is no longer).

This has to be something really stupid, so if you could help me out here I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks.

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