How do you register cleanup code to be run after script execution?

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Tue May 11 02:00:21 EDT 2004

pxlpluker wrote:

> why not use
> try:
>     code
> finally:
>     cleanup code

Because cleanup code will run immediately after code (regardless of an
exception that might occur in code) whereas atexit.register(cleanupCode)
will trigger the cleanupCode() function when the script terminates. You can
think of atexit as

    whole script
    for f in registeredFunctions:

You could implement this manually as you have suggested, but then you'd need
to know what cleanup code is necessary for every module you imported. If
you have modules needing cleanup that aren't always imported, you'd even
have to check for these. Putting atexit.register(cleanupForModule) into
every module needing cleanup doesn't affect its public interface and thus
simplifies client code.


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