struct doesn't handle NaN values?

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu May 13 23:58:10 EDT 2004

In article <mailman.543.1084503089.25742.python-list at>, Tim Peters wrote:

> There's nothing new to be said about any of this, and I don't
> have time to pursue it regardless.  If you want to commit to
> improving the story here, please do.  Others have tried, over
> the course of a decade, but nothing has come of it apart from
> the PEP 754 reference implementation (which doesn't address
> struct or pickle issues).  It's a large task to give Python a
> *good* x-platform 754 story, but it would indeed be easy to
> make large isolated improvements in small areas on major
> platforms.

I'd like to work on the pack/unpack code so that pickle/strcut
handle NaNs and Infinities.  It should be easy enough on
platforms that use 754 as the native format, and seems like a
reasonable first step.  However, I've got a gcc patch to finish
first, and ...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Put FIVE DOZEN red
                                  at               GIRDLES in each CIRCULAR

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