Stackless python and microthreads

Just just at
Fri May 14 10:08:40 EDT 2004

In article <2gk1k2F3li0jU1 at>,
 Michael Walter <cm at> wrote:

> Just wrote:
> > In article <2gjokgF3mvvdU1 at>,
> >  Michael Walter <cm at> wrote:
> >>Would you have an idea on how a higher-level replacement for 
> >>continuations in web application development? I'm excited (and _not_ 
> >>being any sarcastic or stuff, honestely!).
> > 
> > Co-routines.
> Would you care to elaborate? Can you store the state of a coroutine and 
> resume it multiple times?

You can resume a co-routine multiple times just like you can resume 
generators mutliple times, but that's something completely different 
from restarting a continuation multiple times.

When you mentioned continuations for web programming, I assumed you 
meant their ability to turn flow control inside out (allowing to write 
event-based networking code in a more natural way). Co-routines are a 
much nicer abstraction for that than continuations.


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