istalling python2.3 on RH linux9

wes weston wweston at
Wed May 12 22:21:53 EDT 2004

chetan hs wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have installed Red Hat Linux 9, and tried to install python2.3 
> on python2.2 but there was a library installation error, while doing 
> "make install". I wanted to access BerkelyDB4.2 from python but it 
> was not possible. Please can you help me rectify that error. 
> BerkeleyDB4.2 is installed without any errors.
> regards,
> chetan


    If you show us the result of "make install" it will help.

    What do mean by "install python2.3 on python2.2"? Are you copying
over the rh python or putting p2.3 in /usr/local?

    I installed p2.3 on rh9 with no problems (except that Tkinter.askstring)
fails sporatically on grab fail. I didn't have the guts to mess with
the rh python. Instead, I run 2.3 from a script that changes the
environment. If you put the 2.3 ahead of the rh2.2 in path, and do nothing
else, you will break things like the network hardware tool.


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