Several questions about embedding Python

Miki Tebeka miki.tebeka at
Wed May 5 02:32:41 EDT 2004

Hello All,

I'm trying to extend a hardware simulator (written in C/C++) by
embedding Python.
After reading the documentation and playing around several questions
popped up:

1. Is there a way (using SWIG/Boost.Python ...) to export existing C/C++
functions other than hand writing the wrapper functions.
Something like: py_export(a_c_function)
Since the Python module need to get information from the simulator I 
can't just write pure SWIG wrapper (or can I?)

2. How do I debug the Python code? Since the interpreter is called from 
the simulator application I can't run `pdb' on it.

3. Why on does pyconfig.h decides that `python23_d.lib' should be used 
when _DEBUG is on (IMO is should use Py_DEBUG)? I'm debugging *my* 
application not Python.


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