[numarray] mean vector of 2d matrix

Curzio Basso curzio.basso at unibas.ch
Wed May 12 03:52:23 EDT 2004

beliavsky at aol.com wrote:

> With Numeric, one can use the 'average' function to compute the average along
> an axis, or the average of all elements when the axis argument is set to None.
> See p317 of Martelli's "Python in a Nutshell" book. For example, the code 

However, it looks like in numarray no average() is provided. Now I found 
out there is an average() function provided by the MA (Masked Arrays) 
module, but I do not really understand why there is an average() 
function for a masked array and not for a generic array...

Anyway, thanks for the tip!

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