what does this mean?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Wed May 19 13:11:38 EDT 2004

mr. ice wrote:

>I am new to python, The following statement is in the beginning of
>class definition in a python scripts, what does it mean?  Help?
>class %(class_)s_W : public XMsg_W

You will likely notice that there are "" or '' marks around the text 
you're reading there.  It looks a lot like a string template that 
someone is using to create C++ code.  A string like this "Hello 
%(name)s_xyz" gets expanded in Python like so:

    name = 'this'
    value = "Hello %(name)s_xyz" % locals()


    value == "Hello this_xyz"

So whoever coded the module is likely trying to auto-generate some C++ 
code using Python string substitution.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
  blog: http://zope.vex.net/~mcfletch/plumbing/

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