[PythonWin32] TLB's for mere mortals?

F. GEIGER fgeiger at datec.at
Mon May 3 02:00:49 EDT 2004

Hello all,

I've used Python COM servers from a VB6-app successfuly.

I'd now like to do this from .NET (C#). I could use late binding, but that
code really looks *ugly* and cumbersome compared to the one in VB6.

If I could use early binding things would be easier. But then I need a type
library. How do I write such a beast for my Python scripts?

I found several posts in the net and a script named typelibutil.py was
which doesn't seem to exist anymore.

Other posts (e.g.
http://mailman.pythonpros.com/pipermail/pycom-dev/1999q3/000163.html) showed
some code. Do I really need to dive into all that? Do I need to write such
code by hand?

PythonNET came to my mind, but if I've understood them right, it is for
using .NET classes from Python and not the other way round. And IronPython
(looks very promising to me) is not yet available.

Any hint is welcome.

Many thanks in advance


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