Web programming ...

Moxley Stratton moxley at moxleydata.com
Wed May 5 13:10:17 EDT 2004

Sarah Tanembaum wrote:
> Is python good for creating Web application? I do like the OOness of Python,
> as a newbie, I'm trying to find out if Python has all its necessary
> modules/utilities for Web programming just as extensive as, say, PHP or
> Ruby(some say that Ruby is not ready for this sort of application and is not
> yet mature as Perl, Python, and PHP - is it true?).

PHP is a more straight-forward web development language for a newbie 
because it has been developed and marketed for the web developer in mind.

However, this is how I see the difference: PHP provides only one 
built-in basic approach to web application development: a web server 
module (or CGI) plus a page template model, similar to asp and jsp, plus 
the PHP language. Python doesn't provide any web application development 
model built-in. You either develop Python web applications as CGI 
scripts-- which isn't very popular because of performance issues-- or 
you work with a web application model that somebody has developed. 
Because Python doesn't enforce any particular web development model, 
developers are free to take any approach that has been developed, or 
they may develop their own model. This creates the potential for more 
sophisticated applications, but it almost always makes it more difficult 
than PHP to create small ones. It also means that as a newbie, you have 
to spend the time to pick a model to start with.

Another thing I'd like to say about the PHP model is that it is very 
mature and well-known.

I'm a PHP developer who has been tinkering around with Python for some 
time now. I've been researching Webware as a candidate for my primary 
Python web development model.

Moxley Stratton

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