Saving recursive objects to disc. cPickle wan't work.

Christian Tismer tismer at
Thu May 27 17:57:35 EDT 2004

Alex Polite wrote:


> If I up the recusionlimit the testsuit will segfault.

Then you need a Python which does not have a stack problem.

Use Stackless Python. Just don't care of what else it does,
just use it, raise the recursionlimit to whatever,
and both pickle and cPickle will run without any limit but
main memory.

Well, almost true.
The current official version is unlimited on,
becuase the recursive calls in pickle don't involve
recursive calls in the C interpreter.
Stack protection for cPickle is in my new developer version,
which is coming soon.
It has Stack spilling for cPickle and the interpreter, so
even in the rare cases where deep recursions cannot be avoided,
the Stack is always saved and restored before overflow.
And, well, I have full thread support since Monday :-))

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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