PEP: import version

Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu May 13 16:08:00 EDT 2004

    Chris> Skip Montanaro wrote:
    >> Somehow that version has to map to a different file being loaded, so
    >> it seems to me the proper place to record this information is in
    >> sys.path (or before the program runs, PYTHONPATH).  Voila!  No syntax
    >> changes required.

    Chris> This really needs to be done at runtime, not ahead of time with
    Chris> PYTHONPATH.

    Chris> We have been discussing this over at wxPython-users, 

Perhaps I'm missing something...  If you need to futz around at runtime,
futz around with sys.path.  Can you summarize the wxPython discussions for
those of us who don't use that toolkit (and have apparently never run into
this problem in such an intractable way that we felt the need to change
Python because of it)?  In particular it would be helpful to understand why
you don't know what version of wxPython you want to use before running the



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