Prothon should not borrow Python strings!

Mark Hahn mark at
Mon May 24 14:28:26 EDT 2004

"Paul Prescod" <paul at> wrote

> I can understand why you might be afraid to tackle all of Unicode for
> version 1.0. Don't bother. All you need to do today to avoid the dead
> end is DO NOT ALLOW BINARY DATA IN STRINGS. Have a binary data type.
> Have a character string type. Give them a common "prototype" if you
> wish. Let them share methods. But keep them separate in your code. The
> result of reading a file is a binary data string. The result of parsing
> an XML file is a character string. These are as different as the bits
> that represent an integer in a particular file format and a logical

This is very timely. I would like to resolve issues like this by July and
that deadline is coming up very fast.

We have had discussions on the Prothon mailing list about how to handle
Unicode properly but no one pointed this out. It makes perfect sense to me.

Is there any dynamic language that already does this right for us to steal
from or is this new territory? I know for sure that I don't want to steal
Java's streams. I remember hating them with a passion.

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