classes vs dicts

Holger Türk htx1 at
Thu May 6 10:02:33 EDT 2004

Isaac To wrote:
>>>>>>"Charlie" == Charlie  <charlvj at> writes:
>     Charlie> Greetings, I am pretty new to Python and like it very much, but
>     Charlie> there is one thing I can't figure out and I couldn't really
>     Charlie> find anything in the docs that addresses this.
>     Charlie> Say I want to write an address book program, what is the best
>     Charlie> way to define a person (and the like): create a class (as I
>     Charlie> would do in Java) or use a dictionary?  I guess using
>     Charlie> dictionaries is fastest and easiest, but is this recommended?
> Python is about making the complexity where it worth.  If you cannot see
> that a class will help, the safe choice is to do it with a dict.  Later, if

I don't think so. If you don't want to define set... and get ...
methods, you can still misuse a class in this way:

class Person (object): pass

somePerson = Person () = "his name"
somePerson.address = "her address"

instead of

somePerson = {}
somePerson ["name"] = "his name"
somePerson ["address"] = "her address"

The first alternative is easier to read and even safer:
If you need to extend the capabilities of the class, you can
still redefine the behaviour of the data fields using



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