Help w/ HTMLParser lib

Kevin T. Ryan kevryan0701 at
Thu May 20 23:23:05 EDT 2004

Hi all - 

I'm somewhat new to python (about 1 year), and I'm trying to write a program
that opens a file like object w/ urllib.urlopen, and then parse the data by
passing it to a class that subclasses HTMLParser.HTMLParser.  On the web
page, however, there is javascript - and I think that is causing an error
in parsing the data.  Here's the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 30, in parse_data
  File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line 108, in feed
  File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line 150, in goahead
    k = self.parse_endtag(i)
  File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line 329, in parse_endtag
    self.error("bad end tag: %s" % `rawdata[i:j]`)
  File "//usr/lib/python2.2/", line 115, in error
    raise HTMLParseError(message, self.getpos())
HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: bad end tag: "</scr' + 'ipt>", at line 411,
column 7

I've tried to use a try/except clause both w/in my class and w/in a function
that wraps the class for easy access, but to no avail.  The code works on
other websites, so I know that it's not *completely* off.  Any help would
be greatly appreciated!  TIA :)


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