Prothon gets Major Facelift in Vers 0.1.0 [Prothon]

Peter Hansen peter at
Sun May 23 09:07:31 EDT 2004

simo wrote:

> Proper encapsulation is needed before the C++ brigade will take
> P[y/ro]thon seriously as an OO language

If by "C++ brigade" you mean simply "C++ programmers", then
I can assure you that you are wrong since I was, once, such
a beast.

If by "C++ brigade" you mean "programmers who think C++ does
things the right way" then the only way to get them to take
Python seriously will be either (a) to change Python into
something that closely resembles C++, or (b) to change those
programmers so that their thinking fits Python better.

Merely adding "proper encapsulation" (and I happen to believe
Python already has encapsulation that is quite proper) will
not suffice.  And that's a good thing, too.... ;-)


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