Test error with Python 2.3.4c1

Berthold Höllmann bhoel at web.de
Sun May 16 11:33:52 EDT 2004

aahz at pythoncraft.com (Aahz) writes:

> In article <m2vfixfnc3.fsf at pchoel.psh>, Berthold Höllmann <bhoel at web.de> wrote:
>>aahz at pythoncraft.com (Aahz) writes:
>>> In that case, you should check against the CVS version of Python; I
>>> believe there've been some changes that affect this kind of thing.  If
>>> that fixes your problem, please close the bug report.
>>OK, I just checked the latest CVS and test_re succeeds. But should't
>>this fixed for 2.3.4 as well?
> Nope.  Bugfix releases (see PEP 6) are required to have essentially zero
> behavioral changes, and IIRC the series of fixes that fixed your bug
> caused some changes to the way sre operates, so it was a non-starter for
> the 2.3.x series.
> Anyway, please close your bug with a note about it being fixed in 2.4
> CVS.  As for the other issue, I don't have enough time/energy to even
> understand what the issue is.  Given that it's about SAX, I suggest you
> start a new thread and hopefully someone else will pick it up.

OK, I closed the bug, but still would like to see USE_RECURSION_LIMIT
default reduced to something like 6500 (3000 seems to be OK for
FreeBSD on sparc64, so I guess this can't be a behavioral change).

bhoel at web.de / http://starship.python.net/crew/bhoel/

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