Prothon gets Major Facelift in Vers 0.1.0 [Prothon]

Denis S. Otkidach ods at
Tue May 25 05:58:17 EDT 2004

On Mon, 24 May 2004, Mark Hahn wrote:

MH> So to me, documenting the public vars makes the most sense.
MH> They need some
MH> explaining anyway.  So now the only question is, what is a
MH> fun and painless
MH> way to document public vars.  It would be nice if it had
MH> Any ideas in this area would be greatly welcomed.
MH> Implementing a half-baked
MH> scheme would be as good as no scheme because it wouldn't be
MH> used.

I suggest to invent yet another way to define strings - something
like end-of-line literals (similar to # comments).  It would be
especially useful for docstrings.  For instance:

class MyClass:
    @ Just an example class to demonstrate idea.
    @ Change "@" to your favorite character or combination.
    @ In fact we can use "d" prefix like it's used for unicode
    @ literals, or "$" (as this character is often used as EOL
    @ marker).

If we state that such string literals cannot be concatenated
(like "Hello" 'world'), then we can use them as docstrings for
class members:

class MyClass:
    member = "default value"  @ Docstring for member

Since string literals are not allowed to contain EOL characters,
we can use even single '"' and "'" :

class MyClass:
    " multiline
    " docstring
    " here

But in this case all special characters in literal must be
properly escaped, so this approach is not convinient and error

Denis S. Otkidach      [ru]

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