Named integers and enums

Hallvard B Furuseth h.b.furuseth at
Sun May 23 16:48:08 EDT 2004

Is this possible without too much code?

    class Named_int(object, int):
        def __str__(self): return
        __repr__ = __str__
        __slots__ = 'name'
        # This does not work:
        def __init__(self, name): = name
        # ...and it would be nice to freeze the name:
        __setattr__ = __delattr__ = None

    x = Named_int(3, "foo")
    print "%s = %d" % (x, x) # print "foo = 3"

Named_int(3, "foo") says "TypeError: an integer is required".
I've tried other ways to specify both parameters, but no luck so far.
BTW, this is Python2.2.  I don't know if we'll be able to upgrade
anytime soon.

I know I could do

    class Named_int:
       def __init__(self, val, name):
           self.val, = int(val), str(name)

but then I'd need a bunch of other functions: __int__, __cmp__,
__nonzero__, __hash__, maybe also __add__ and so on.

Or is there another way?  Currently I'm only planning to use it for is a
C-style enum, so it's merely a bit irritating that I have to set the
name attribute after creating the Named_int:

    import sys

    class Named_int(object, int):
        def __str__(self): return
        __repr__ = __str__
        __slots__ = 'name'

    def Enum(**mapping):
        vars = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
        for name, val in mapping.items():
            val = Named_int(val)
   = name
            vars[name] = val

        Debug = 0,
        Info = 1,
        Warning = 2,
        Error = 3,
        Critical = 4

    # print "Error = 3"
    print "%s = %d" % (Error, Error)


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