perl to python

Josef Meile jmeile at
Tue May 11 09:35:43 EDT 2004

> There's definitely a sed available, possibly even in MingW (I have it
> on my system, but am not sure if it arrived with MingW or something
> else I installed).  It's definitely available with cygwin.   One reason
> to install it is that it's smaller than perl or python; another is
> that it probably performs the task faster, since it isn't a general
> purpose state machine;
Ok, If those two are true, then using it should be
considered for big files.

> another is that it's 25% shorter to type than
> perl and 50% shorter to type than python.
I don't think that shorter codes are always the
most efficient. They are nicer, but you can't
assure that they are faster. For example a simple
sort algoritm implemented with two anidated loops:
It is well known that you can use trees or other
strategies to achieve better results; however,
some of them are larger as the loop implementation

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