Running code on module import

Grant D. Watson vbasicboy at
Sun May 23 11:42:22 EDT 2004

>At the moment, I can only think on the sys.exitfunc as a proper hook.
>:) It's totally esoteric/un-orthodox.

And it's got major style points.  The stuff I'd been playing around with since
the after thread began has involved grabbing the source code from __main__ and
rerunning it on a new module's namespace (with __file__ and __doc__ copied
over), then running main() from that.  When I'm done, I raise a SystemExit.

sys.exitfunc seems more elegant and far easier; plus, it looks like its down
sides aren't any greater than what I've been doing.  (Life became saner when I
realized I could also implement a wrapper function to be called interactively.)
 I'll have to test this.

Hmm... I wonder if I can use a callable instead of a function; the docs say a
function, but...  Okay, I tried it and it worked.  But the atexit module looks
promising too -- you have opened up so many possiblities.  :-)

Grant D. Watson
grant_watson at
(Please use this address, not my AOL one.)

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