Prothon gets Major Facelift in Vers 0.1.0 [Prothon]

Mark Hahn mark at
Sun May 23 18:04:00 EDT 2004

Does any Python user have a story of regret of using an object's attribute
when they should not have and encapsulation would have saved their butts?

In my Python usage when I found that I shouldn't be directly accessing an
attribute it was no different than finding any other bug and I refactored
and moved on.  It certainly would have been more work to worry about all the
attributes to start with.

Does anyone have any story of encapsulation being a hero in any situation or
of regret at not having it?  I've programmed since the 60's and I have no
regrets in 30+ years in not having encapsulation when I didn't have it and
no hero stories in my four years of using Java.

I certainly don't miss it in my Prothon.

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