Iterating Dictionaries in a Function

Thinker thinkengine1 at
Fri May 7 21:23:10 EDT 2004

I could not get this simple code work. I am guessing that there is a
in the Python dictionary iterator.
def findx(st):
        d = {'a': 1, 'rty': 4, 'er': 2}
        for item in d.keys(): 
                print item    
                if cmp(item.upper(),st.upper()) == 0:
                        print d[item] 
                        return d[item]
                        return st
When I call:             
it finds the key. But when I call:
it does not find anything since it does not iterate; it just checks
the first item in the dictionary.

Does anyone see where the bug is?

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