Help with large data set and fatal python error

John Hunter jdhunter at
Sun May 16 18:22:46 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Vineet" == Vineet Jain <vineet at> writes:

    Vineet>  Exception exceptions.AssertionError:
    Vineet> <exceptions.AssertionError instance at 0x02639C10> in
    Vineet> <function remove at 0x025CF5B0> ignored

Do you know what assertion is failing in the remove function and can
you fix it?

    Vineet> Any ideas what the errors means and how can I
    Vineet> debug/catch them?

The most likely thing is that you have made a mistake in your
reference counting, perhaps decrementing a reference where you
shouldn't have, or creating a python object and failing to incref it.
Have you written a python extension module?  If so did you do it by
hand or are you using one of the standard wrapper generators like SWIG
or pyrex?  If the latter, it could be a bug in the wrapper generator.
If not, it might help to post some of your code which acts on the


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