perl to python

Aahz aahz at
Wed May 12 13:29:01 EDT 2004

In article <slrnca4l2j.2qu4.kirk at>,
Kirk Job-Sluder  <kirk at> wrote:
>Well, there is another big difference. I'm a big fan of instant
>gratification so the off-the-shelf tool that does the job in 10 seconds
>is better than 5 minutes to 1 hour writing a pythonic tool.  I have
>re-written shell scripts in python just for kicks, but I don't have any
>illusions that refactoring everything into python should be a

If it takes you an hour to rewrite a ten-second job into a Pythonic
script, you don't know Python very well.  That kinda counters your claim
of a shallow learning curve for the other programs.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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