GUI toolkits, bidi, and i18n question

Haim Ashkenazi haim at
Thu May 6 11:42:20 EDT 2004


I'm writting an application that runs on windows (win2k and win98) and
should have (amongst other things):

1. systray icon with menu
2. translation to hebrew (which is written right to left).

since I have no experience on windows (as a user or as a developer) I
thought that wxpython would be a good choice, but then I've read in some
forum that it doesn't have good support for bidi. 
my second choice would be GTK, but it has a problem with file/directory
dialogs which I think would confuse windows users, and no support for
systray icon. so I thought of using GTK and taking the missing widgets from
win32all (which I'm importing anyway), but the documentation is very poor
and I couldn't even find an example of systray icon. 
my third option would be to use GTK and taking the missing widgets from
wxpython, which I'll use if I have no better option.

QT is not an option because it's not free for windows, and I just don't like

does anyone has an idea about which toolkit to use?


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