question on Bdb???

BruceKL WhoH BruceWhoHKL at
Wed May 12 21:32:25 EDT 2004

Hi ,all
    recently I'm trying to write a vim script to integrate python debugger in to vim so that I can debugger python script in vim. But I come across a question.
    First I need to write a derived class of Bdb, so I must override the user_* methods.but how can I return to vim? When user_* is called , it should return to vim, and when the user 'step' or 'next', it return to the user_* call again, and run. But how to achieve this?
    It's apparently I need to 'freeze' the Bdb and wait for some input coming from vim ,and then go back to the right place. but we can't make vim functions as callbacks. That's the question.
    maybe iterator/generator can be used to solve it. But I don't know how.
    Any one can help me?
    Any suggestions are appreciated.

        BruceKL WhoH
        BruceWhoHKL at

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