Tabbing probs (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)

Christian Tismer tismer at
Mon Mar 29 08:59:52 EST 2004

Michael wrote:

> Do people actually post and read a lot of source code on mail or 
> newsgroup lists? Is that the main reason for not using tabs in code? 
> That'd seem a bit odd to me. Never actually tried using OE to read code. 
> I really don't use OE. Why wouldn't you just open the code in your code 
> editor of choice?

No, I think you don't get at the real problem:
People do use tabs which are 8 spaces, but they
want their code to be indented by steps of four.
This creates mixed tabbing, and that's what you
see way too often when reading foreign code.
You have to adjust your editor to *that* tabbing,
before editing the file, and then convert or
live with it.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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