histogram type thingy for (unique) dict items

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 29 22:06:50 EST 2004

>>>>> "kevin" == kevin parks <kp87 at lycos.com> writes:

    kevin> hi. I've been banging my head against this one a while and
    kevin> have asked around, and i am throwing this one out there in
    kevin> the hopes that some one can shed some light on what has
    kevin> turned out to be a tough problem for me (though i am
    kevin> getting closer).

    kevin> i have been mucking with a lot of data in a dictionary that
    kevin> looks like:

If I'm understanding you correctly, something like the following
should speed you on your way:

foo = { (5, 138, 1) : [ 0, 2, 7 ], 
	(7, 264, 1) : [ 0, 2, 7 ], 
	(9, 367, 0) : [ 0, 2, 7 ], 
	(5, 156, 1) : [ 0, 7, 2 ], 
	(8, 315, 1) : [ 0, 7, 2 ], 
	(8, 317, 1) : [ 0, 7, 2 ],
        (1,2,3)     : [4,5,6],}
# reverse the dict so that the values point to a list of keys which
# share that value, ignoring the order of the vale
rd = {}  # reverse dict
for key, val in foo.items():

for key,val in rd.items():
    print key,val

# make a count dictionary
countd = {}
for key, val in rd.items():
    countd[key] = len(val)
    print key, countd[key]

You can easily sort the count dictionary - search google for order
dictionary by values.

Hope this helps,

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