Palm Desktop Syncs with Outlook

Jeff Mikels jeff at
Wed Mar 31 17:41:15 EST 2004

Here is a python script to synchronize Palm Desktop Datebook files with Outlook's Calendar

I'm releasing it under the Python license as version 0.1.



Author: Jeff Mikels
Version: 0.1
License: Python
Purpose: Synchronize (only one way right now) Palm Desktop with MS Outlook
Usage: just run it, and then select the Calendar Folder to import Palm Desktop items into.
Warning: no duplicates are created. The Palm Desktop information writes over any Outlook items with the same text

Dependencies:, pythonWin

import palmFile, win32com.client

def createAppointment(a,targetFolder):
 return saveAppointment(a,targetFolder.Items.Add( 1 )) #olAppointmentItem = 1

def changeAppointment(a,appt):
 targetFolder = appt.Parent
 return createAppointment(a,targetFolder)

def saveAppointment(a,appt):
 ''' from palmFile
 calendarEntryFields = (
  if a['untimed']:
   appt.AllDayEvent = 1
  appt.Start = makeTime(a['startTime'])
  appt.End = makeTime(a['endTime'])
  appt.Subject = a['text']
  appt.Body = a['note']
  if a['alarmSet']:
   if a['alarmAdvType'] == 0:
    appt.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = a['alarmAdvUnits']
   elif a['alarmAdvType'] == 1: #hours
    appt.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = a['alarmAdvUnits'] * 60
   else: #a['alarmAdvType'] = 2: #days
    appt.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = a['alarmAdvUnits'] * 60 * 24
   appt.ReminderSet = 0
  if a['repeatEvent']['repeatEventFlag']:
   repeatDetails = appt.GetRecurrencePattern()
   if a['repeatEvent']['brand'] == 1: #daily
    repeatDetails.RecurrenceType = 0 #olRecursDaily = 0
   elif a['repeatEvent']['brand'] == 2: #weekly
    repeatDetails.RecurrenceType = 1 #olRecursWeekly = 1
    repeatDetails.DayOfWeekMask = ord(a['repeatEvent']['brandDaysMask'])
   elif a['repeatEvent']['brand'] == 3: #monthly by day
    repeatDetails.RecurrenceType = 3 #olRecursMonthlyNth = 3
    repeatDetails.Instance = a['repeatEvent']['brandWeekIndex'] + 1 #Palm uses 0 for first week, but Outlook uses 1
    #For Day of Week, Palm only uses one possible day
    #and not a whole mask like Outlook. This field has Monday = 0 and Sunday = 6
    #Outlook is looking for Sunday = 2**0, Monday = 2**1, Tues = 2**2 etc.
    repeatDetails.DayOfWeekMask = 2**((a['repeatEvent']['brandDayIndex']+1) % 7)
   elif a['repeatEvent']['brand'] == 4: #monthly by date
    repeatDetails.RecurrenceType = 2 #olRecursMonthly = 2
    repeatDetails.DayOfMonth = a['repeatEvent']['brandDayNumber']
   elif a['repeatEvent']['brand'] == 5: #yearly
    repeatDetails.RecurrenceType = 5 #olRecursYearly = 5
    repeatDetails.MonthOfYear = a['repeatEvent']['brandMonthIndex'] + 1 #Palm stores this from 0-11
    repeatDetails.DayOfMonth = a['repeatEvent']['brandDayNumber']
   repeatDetails.PatternStartDate = makeDate(a['startTime'])
   repeatDetails.Interval = a['repeatEvent']['interval']
   if a['repeatEvent']['endDate'] != 1956545999:
    repeatDetails.PatternEndDate = makeDate(a['repeatEvent']['endDate'])
  return appt
  import pprint
  print '\nSAVE APPOINTMENT ERROR:\n\tsaveAppointment encountered an error while saving this item.\n'
  print '\n'
  return None
def findAppt(a,folderToSearch):
  return folderToSearch.Items.Find('[Subject] = "' + a['text'] + '"')
  import pprint
  print '\nFIND APPOINTMENT ERROR:\n\tfindAppt encountered an error looking for this event\n'
  print '\n'
  return None

def makeDate(timeval):
 import time
 retVal = time.localtime(timeval)
 return str(retVal[1]) + '/' + str(retVal[2]) + '/' + str(retVal[0]) # m/d/yyyy
def makeTime(timeval):
 import time
 retVal = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p", time.localtime(timeval))
 return retVal
def parseOlTime(timestring):
 import time
 retVal = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestring,'%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'))
 return retVal

palmData = 'c:\\Program Files\\Palm\\MikelsJ\\datebook\\datebook.dat'
fileStruct = palmFile.readPalmFile(palmData)
events = fileStruct[0]['datebookList']
#events = palmFile.getUpcomingEvents(fileStruct,7)
ol = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
olNS = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
#olFolders = olNS.Folders()
calFolder = olNS.PickFolder()
#calFolder = olNS.Folders('Personal Folders').Folders('Calendar-Test')

for event in events:
 appointment = findAppt(event,calFolder)
 if not appointment:
  appointment = createAppointment(event,calFolder)
  #appointment = changeAppointment(event,appointment)

with win32com we can read the constants directly from Outlook's Object model at runtime

from win32com.client import gencache
gencache.EnsureModule('{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 9, 0)


specify the constants directly
olAppointmentItem = 1

or run C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\ and select Microsoft Outlook
this step parses all the constants and win32com keeps track of them
I've done this, so I can just use the constants (theoretically)


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